
miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Finally affordable web video production service + discount

Hi josee esspinosa,

Cheesy subject I know, but can't
think of anything better right now.

I don't bother you with emails much,
but this time I have to tell you
something important.

You know that video is huge right now.
Everyone knows youtube and a lot of
people probably watch it more than
regular cableTV.

Video is a great way to promote your
business, explain your products and
services, share your memories with
loved ones.... you name it.

But professional video production
service is still very expensive.

That's because it takes so much time
and resources to create, tune and
render a nice looking video clip.

That's where we came up with a solution
to provide a template based video

Go to the homepage and watch the video
for more details.

You can order a professional
jaw-dropping video logo, intro, outro,
presentation, promo, trailer, product
showcase and more.

Video logos are just $14.99.
Presentations are from $60 to $99.

Our intention is to make video production
affordable without sacrificing quality.

Try our new service for your business
or home video production. Use this
20% discount coup0n of your first order:


If you like it, tell your friends or
business partners about it, share it
in your Twitter or Facebook accounts.

We will be happy to fulfill everyone's
video needs.

For any questions, please contact crew here:

or Paytory Helpdesk here:

Thank you again.
We wish you enormous online profits!

Max Galitsyn
and OrderYourVideo crew.

Paytory Inc,
864 Riverside Dr
Methuen, MA 01844 USA

To unsubscribe please go to the following link:

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